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ACTION ALERT: Support AB 2164 (Rivas), Improve access to health care services!


Support AB 2164 (Rivas), which would improve access to health care services for low-income children and other marginalized populations by ensuring that providers can deliver care using telehealth.

AB 2164 would improve access to care by allowing Community Health Centers (CHC) to establish new patients through asynchronous telehealth. One evidence-based example is the Virtual Dental Home (VDH), in which specially trained dental hygienists and assistants go to schools and other community sites to provide diagnostic, preventive, and early intervention dental care in partnership with a collaborating dentist. A six-year study of the VDH model, in which almost 3,500 individuals were seen in 50 community sites across California, found that the majority of patients could receive all of the care they needed at the community location. AB 2164 has the potential to increase access to vital and cost-effective health care services to thousands of patients in underserved communities across California.

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